Stockport offers a great quality of life, with a quirky, original town centre. It is close to city centre Manchester but also on the edge of the Peak District.
We’re falling in love again with the heart of Stockport. Our town centre revival started some time ago but now it’s full steam ahead, with a radical and exciting £1billion programme of investment. In our town centre you’ll find beautiful heritage buildings next to great new architecture.
Businesses are relocating here, residents are moving in and jobs are being created.
Public spaces are improving, transport connections are being boosted and a buzz is in the air. There are some amazing people and projects that are making this transformation happen.
Led by Stockport Council but with a wide range of partners involved, a renaissance is sweeping across Stockport town centre including new events, great attractions and fantastic reasons for people to venture back into town.
From underbank to overpass, viaduct to brewery visitor centre, Stockport town centre is bouncing back to life.
Stockport. A great place to invest.
The centre of Stockport is undergoing a radical and exciting £1billion programme of investment. Rooted in its rich heritage, but looking to the future and its role in the global economy with a varied suite of commercial, residential and leisure opportunities for all.

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